Saturday, March 16, 2013


this video is not public because of copyright stuff.

email me if you wanna take a look and sign into my account.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Yet another awesome TED talk today, Ted Robins. He talked about how our education system has been structured based on the industrial revolution and the "necessary" traits one must have to succeed. We've put the arts at the bottom of the ladder in our education system and he says that it's time to change. His whole analysis of the world's educational structure is brilliant. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to pursue a creative career. My parents have always been incredibly supportive, thankfully. Play writes, musicians, artists, writers, etc. are all the people I admire the most and it's a shame that the school system puts those fields last in their curriculums. We need more creative minds in the world to deal with our ever-changing world. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

We have a project to do: create a 2-3 minute video that somehow relates to sustainability and helping the planet. My first idea was to create a video with some moving music in the background, inspiring pictures and questions like, "When you die... How will you be remembered? How will WE be remembered?" Referring to our generation and eventually getting to the message of saving the planet and practicing responsible and sustainable living. I have it all mapped out and I think I can make it really good. I'm excited about it.
BUT, I think I'd really like to do a video on living happily. The problem: how do I relate living happily to protecting the planet. Let's brainstorm.
So if everyone were happy and aware of the effects of the ego, there would be no war. People would think more about the big picture: our children, other countries, people in need, the planet.
There. I got it. Must research now.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Today we discussed story-telling through imagery. We each brought three unrelated pictures from magazine, that made a sequence of events or told a story. It was fun to interpret these stories and hear what my fellow classmates had to say about them. We've got some clever people in this class. I'm usually drawn to more minimal and humorous imagery. I think the most clever ads are really symbolic and use one object, person, facial expression to convey a message. 
We came across a Juicy Couture ad that depicted a young girl, making a super sexy face, all blinged out and wearing two watches. The question that came out of this ad was, "Who does this appeal to?" 
I want to answer this question with... more questions: Who does top 40 crap on the radio appeal to? Who does Real Housewives appeal to? How the hell is Nicki Minaj so popular? Why do TV ratings skyrocket for reality shows? How is it that the U.S. still has red states? Why is there still racism in America?
Because people have bad taste. And, sadly, we've got a lot of materialistic, Kardashian-watchers in this world. 
We were discussing using our "design powers" for good the other day. I believe this is something to talk about; not selling a materialistic lifestyle. I don't ever want to encourage a seventeen-year-old to buy buy buy to be cool cool cool.