Wednesday, February 6, 2013

At 7:30 this morning I got on the bus to go to school and the driver passed the Cal State LA bus stop. The bus driver made a mistake and thought the Cal LA stop was closed for some reason. I was now undoubtedly going to be late for class, but because I knew their were fellow Cal State LA students on the bus with me, I was pretty calm. When the bus finally arrived at Union Station in Downtown LA, the other students and myself huddled together with our smart phones and figured out our bus route back to campus. I hardly said a word and everything worked out just fine. Sure, we were a late for our first classes, but it wasn't too bad. Despite it being an unfortunate circumstance, it was a relatively stress-free situation.
I mention this because I thought of our problem-solving exercises when we were at Union Station. The students I was with seemed to know exactly what to do, so I just put my faith in them and followed along. There was no way I could be a leader in this situation because, for one, my phone is no iphone. And also, I'm not super seasoned in riding the bus in LA and I'd never walked through Union Station before. While we were walking through the station, I felt grateful and confident that these people would find our way. And they did. Really fast. It was like, BAM we missed out stop. BOOM we're at Union Station. BAM that bus passes CSLA, we're gettin' on that one. And that was it. No problem.
Maybe I was too tired to stress about it, but I'm pretty proud of all of us for handling this situation so smoothly.

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